
How To Complete A Mid-Year Reset As A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur

goal setting six figure business
How To Complete A Mid-Year Reset As A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur

The midpoint of the year, it’s the perfect time to pause, reassess, and realign our goals and actions, especially for those of us who identify as highly sensitive entrepreneurs. Sensitivity is often seen as a setback in the bustling world of business, but I believe it’s a profound strength. It allows for a deeper connection to our desires and a more intuitive approach to business. The GYST Monthly Reset & Self-Hypnosis Bundle is designed to harness that sensitivity and turn it into a powerful tool for success.


Part 1: Setting and Aligning Goals

The heart of any reset begins with clear, intentional goal setting. Utilize the C.O.S.M.I.C Goal Framework to establish goals that are:

  • Conscious: Rooted in awareness and integrity.
  • Optimistic: Bright with positivity.
  • Subconsciously Aligned: In harmony with your inner beliefs.
  • Magickal: Infused with the essence of the extraordinary.
  • Inspiring: Motivational and uplifting.
  • Clear: Defined with precision.

Once defined, break these goals down into 100-day actionable segments, supporting daily steps that accumulate into significant progress, regularly celebrating milestones to fuel motivation.


Part 2: Discovering True Desires

  • Explore What You Really Want: Differentiate between wants and needs and determine your 'Big Why'.
    • Avoid Drifting: Focus on purpose-driven actions.
    • Transform Challenges: Convert personal and professional challenges into concrete goals.
    • Identify Needs vs. Wants: Recognize what is essential for your survival and what is additional.


Part 3: Refining Life Goals

    • Decide What You Want in Life: Envision a life of deep meaning and actively work towards it.
      • Gain Clarity and Purpose: Write down your life goals and create a vision that aligns with your highest self.
      • Create the Right Mindset: Cultivate positive thoughts and manage your inner life to support your goals.



Part 4: Energizing Goals

  • Create Highly Charged Goals: Set exciting and meaningful goals.
    • Establish Powerful Motivating Factors: Use gratitude and specific triggers to enhance emotional connection to your goals.
    • Condense and Energize Goals: Combine and energize goals to create a compelling drive towards them.


Part 5: Implementing Timelines 

  • Establish Deadlines: Organize your goals into short, medium, and long-term, each with specific deadlines to maintain a forward trajectory.


Part 6: Programming Mind for Success

  • Address Negative Beliefs: Use hypnosis to clear limiting beliefs and thought patterns.
    • Visualization and Affirmations: Regularly practice visualization and affirmations to align your subconscious with your conscious goals.
    • Create a Vision Board: A visual representation of your goals to reinforce daily intentions.


Part 7: Affirmations for Success

  • Develop Personal Affirmations: Craft affirmations that are present-tense and include emotional and action-oriented language.
    • Reinforce with Daily Repetition: Integrate these affirmations into your daily routine to transform your mindset and belief system.


Part 8: Action Plan for Success

  • Daily Aligned Actions: Note and commit to actions that directly align with achieving your milestones.
    • Strategic Planning: Use mind maps to detail steps for each goal and take consistent action.


Part 9: High-Performance Strategies

  • Overcome External Obstacles: Identify and plan for potential external challenges.
    • Establish High-Performance Habits: Develop routines that support continuous progress towards your goals.


Part 10: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  • Challenge and Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Actively question and reframe limiting beliefs to enable growth and achievement.


Visualization and Gratitude Practices

  • Nighttime Visualization: Use subliminal messages before sleep to reinforce positive outcomes.
  • Morning Affirmation Practice: Start each day with affirmations during your morning routine.
  • Gratitude Ritual: Conclude your month with a ritual celebrating all successes and learning.



This comprehensive Mid-Year Reset is more than a plan—it’s a promise to yourself to grow and succeed in a manner that is sustainable and aligned with your intrinsic needs as a highly sensitive entrepreneur. By engaging with the GYST Monthly Reset & Self-Hypnosis Bundle, you are setting the stage for a journey that not only achieves success but celebrates the sensitivity that makes you uniquely powerful.


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