
Sneak Peek: Unlock Your "Richer Identity" with Our Daily SHIFT Routine

financial healing financial trauma money blocks
Sneak Peek: Unlock Your "Richer Identity" with Our Daily SHIFT Routine

Are you ready to transform your financial identity and embrace a wealthier, more abundant version of yourself? Month 1 of our transformative journey focuses on building a "Richer Identity," and today, I’m thrilled to give you an exclusive sneak peek into the daily S.H.I.F.T. routine that will guide you through this powerful process.


Introducing the Daily S.H.I.F.T. Routine

The S.H.I.F.T. routine is designed to systematically help you alter your subconscious financial beliefs and align them with success and prosperity. Here’s what each step involves:


S: Subconscious Deprogramming & Reprogramming

  • Morning: Begin your day with a guided meditation from the Million Dollar Journaling Kit, designed to target and dissolve limiting beliefs about money.
  • Evening: Before bed, listen to a financial self-hypnosis audio from the kit to reinforce positive financial beliefs while you sleep.


H: Healing Emotional Triggers

  • Mid-morning: Use the Hypnotic EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) scripts included in your journal to tap on any emotional triggers that arise during your day, focusing specifically on those related to finances.


I: Identity Shifting & Alignment

  • Lunchtime: Engage in a visualization exercise, imagining your life with your new financial identity. Visualize achieving your financial goals and the feelings associated with these successes.


F: Financial Healing & Expansion

  • Afternoon: Reflect on and journal about the financial opportunities that you wish to attract. Use the Hypnotic Journal Prompts to explore new ways you can expand your financial boundaries.


T: Take Aligned Action

  • Evening: Review the actions you've taken throughout the day and plan one key financial action step for the next day. This could be anything from checking your investments, making a budget adjustment, or setting up a meeting with a financial advisor.


Why Follow the Daily S.H.I.F.T. Routine?

This routine is more than just a series of tasks; it’s a holistic approach to transforming your financial identity. Each component is crafted to build on the next, ensuring that every day you are making significant strides towards not just financial wealth, but a richer, more empowered self.


Get Started Today

Excited to begin? Click here to purchase the Million Dollar Journaling Kit and start your journey with the Richer Identity module.

Embrace this opportunity to reshape your financial destiny and live the abundant life you deserve.


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