
Unlock $100K in Sales with Free Discovery Calls: Mastering Covert Hypnosis Techniques

become a hypnotherapist six figure business
Unlock $100K in Sales with Free Discovery Calls: Mastering Covert Hypnosis Techniques

Picture this: you're just one conversation away from transforming a potential lead into a loyal client, all within the time it takes to enjoy your morning coffee. 

Free discovery calls are your gateway to unlocking this potential, and when combined with covert hypnosis, these calls can dramatically elevate your sales.

 At Sales Youniversity, we harness these tools to not just meet your sales targets but to surpass them with ease and integrity. 

Here's how you can structure your calls to make your first $100K and beyond.


Elevate Your Client Calls with Strategic Hypnosis

Step 1: Set the Stage for Success Before you even pick up the phone, ensure your environment and mindset are primed:

  • Create a Calm Space: Settle into a quiet, comfortable area where interruptions are minimized.
  • Visualize Success: Spend a few moments envisioning a successful call—see yourself connecting effortlessly, addressing needs, and securing a session.

Step 2: Build Immediate Rapport Start every call with warmth and genuine interest:

  • Warm Greeting: "Hi [Client’s Name], it’s wonderful to connect with you today. How are you?"
  • Find Common Ground: Engage them with light, relatable conversation that sets a friendly tone.

Step 3: Dive Deep with Empathy Use this phase to truly understand the client's needs and desires:

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: "What brings you to consider hypnotherapy?" Listen more than you speak.
  • Reflect and Empathize: Mirror their concerns to show understanding and build trust.

Step 4: Introduce Your Solution with Hypnotic Precision Now, transition to discussing your services by weaving in hypnotic suggestions:

  • Use Embedded Commands: Seamlessly integrate suggestions into your dialogue. "You might begin to imagine the relief of overcoming your challenge."
  • Future Pacing: Help them visualize the positive outcomes of working with you. "Imagine feeling more vibrant and in control after our sessions."

Step 5: Handle Objections Gracefully Address any hesitations with empathy and reaffirm the value of your services:

  • Acknowledge Concerns: "I understand you might be unsure about hypnotherapy. Let’s explore this together."
  • Provide Reassurance: Offer testimonials or data that reinforce the effectiveness of your approach.

Step 6: Seal the Deal with Confidence Conclude the call by clearly outlining the next steps and reinforcing their decision to invest in themselves:

  • Summarize Benefits: "We’ve talked about how hypnotherapy can specifically help you with X and Y. Let’s take the next step together."
  • Clear Call to Action: "I have some availability next week. Shall we schedule your first session?"

Step 7: Follow Up with Purpose End the call on a high note and send a follow-up email that recaps the key points and next steps. Keep the momentum going with regular, value-added communication.

Sample Hypnotic Call Script


"Hi [Client’s Name], it’s great to connect with you today. How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far."

Building Rapport

"I’m really excited to learn more about you and how I can help you achieve your goals. Can you tell me more about what motivated you to consider hypnotherapy?"

Understanding Needs

"How long have you been dealing with this issue? What have you tried so far to address it? So, you’ve been feeling anxious for the past year and are looking for a way to manage it more effectively, is that right?"

Introducing Solution

"As we talk, you might start to realize how powerful hypnotherapy can be. Imagine how different your life could be in just a few weeks, feeling calm and in control. My clients often find that after just a few sessions, they experience significant reductions in anxiety and an overall sense of well-being."

Overcoming Objections

"I understand that you might have some reservations about trying hypnotherapy. Many people feel the same way at first, but once they experience the benefits, they’re amazed at how effective it is. Here’s a testimonial from a client who had similar concerns and found incredible results."


"So, to recap, hypnotherapy can help you reduce anxiety, improve your overall well-being, and give you the tools to manage stress effectively. The next step is to schedule your first session. How does that sound to you? Can I go ahead and book your first session for you?"

Post-Call Follow-Up

"Thank you for your time today. I’ll send you an email with all the details and what to expect from your first session. Looking forward to working with you!"

By following this structured call script and integrating covert hypnosis techniques, you can effectively build rapport, understand your client’s needs, introduce your solution, overcome objections, and close the call with a commitment to your hypnotherapy services. This approach will help you make your first $100K with free discovery calls.


How Sales Youniversity Elevates Your Discovery Calls

At Sales Youniversity, we go beyond basic sales training by integrating hypnotic manifestation rituals that align with your sales strategies. This unique blend ensures you not only achieve your sales goals but do so by following the path of least resistance, making the process as rewarding as the results.

  • Master Hypnotic Techniques: Learn advanced hypnotic strategies to enhance your persuasion skills without compromising ethics.
  • Align with Cosmic Energies: Use rituals to align your sales activities with lunar cycles and cosmic energies for enhanced effectiveness.
  • Community and Ongoing Support: Join a community of like-minded professionals who support and inspire each other towards common goals.


Join us at Sales Youniversity and transform your approach to sales.


Let’s make your first $100K a milestone you reach with confidence, ease, and a deep sense of fulfillment.

Embrace the power of strategic communication combined with covert hypnosis. Let’s start this transformative journey together.


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