
12 Step To Go From Anxious To Alchemist | Reset Your Nervous System Challenge Day 1

self hypnosis
12 Step To Go From Anxious To Alchemist | Reset Your Nervous System Challenge Day 1

Welcome to the Reset Your Nervous System Challenge. You'll learn how to go from anxious to alchemist in 12 steps using self-hypnosis.


In this video, I cover: STEP 1: WHERE ARE YOU NOW?


Check your beliefs in each area of your life with the Youniversal Assessment located in the Embodied Success guide here





If you are thinking like this commenter or my clients and you are stuck in survival mode, and you're finally ready to thrive, and enjoy all the success you've worked so hard to attain. And you're also ready to go beyond money mindset. This challenge is for you, this is day one of the Reset Your Nervous System Challenge. So you can master your money, your business, and your life.


Begin with put a finger down challenge. So put a finger down. If you still contribute cheeks, whenever you have to pay your bills or purchase anything over $100. Put a finger down. If you still hold your breath at Starbucks or at the supermarket, when they swipe your card. Even though you have the money there. Put a finger down if you get irrationally angry. Whenever someone asks to borrow money from you put a finger down when you feel like you have to over tip or you don't ask your friends to pay you back, even though they should be paying you back whenever you guys split a bill and put a finger down if you get a large amount of money, or you have an opportunity to make more money, you suddenly get really tired and you don't want to do anything. If you put your finger down to all five or three out of five of those things, then you definitely need to be part of this challenge as to start resetting your nervous system. Resetting your nervous system is different from regulating your nervous system. regulating your nervous system is about coping with your environment and certain triggers.


Resetting your nervous system is about releasing yourself from those triggers from the first place. These triggers you can be they can be inherited, and they could be conditioned from a young age or recently. If you are a millennial, that experience whose family experienced the first recession, then you most likely have financial trauma like most millennials, and if you are one of the people that were recently laid off, that is a traumatic financial event. So you're most likely going to be triggered. And so this is the perfect time to join this challenge and start the process of healing so you could find a new job or you could find new opportunities and reclaim your power. We need to check into where you are now.


Where are you now? You're going to take the assessment. We're going to dive in deeper and then you're going to wait for tomorrow while we go to step two. See you then!



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