22 Affirmations To Help You Heal Your Internalized Oppression

I’ve written before on the importance of healing internalized oppression on the path to success.
Check out that article here >>
Use these affirmations to begin the process of healing.
Their rules no longer apply to me.
I DECIDE what I'm capable of.
I reject ideas that I'm not worthy.
You are worthy.
You are capable.
You create the rules of your reality.
If you weren't strong, why are there so many systems in place to control you?
You're experiencing a new sense of freedom.
I'm experiencing a new sense of pride.
I hear the words of admiration from my peers.
I feel amazing in my skin.
I've gained a new and better perspective on what it means to be me.
I've eliminated the idea that I have to prove my worth to others.
I act like I belong because I DO.
You find yourself feeling more powerful.
You choose to believe in your worth.
I see myself accomplishing the goals that I set for myself.
You avoid socializing with those who don't value you.
I stop allowing others to minimize me.
I am a priority, not a minority.
I've unlocked a secret source of power within.
I am showing others how to believe in me and my success through my belief in myself.
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