22 Affirmations to Help You Release Imposter Syndrome in 2022

Focus on activating our future selves NOW.
Doing this will help you overcome and prevent imposter syndrome when hitting your goals for the end of the year.
Constantly missing your goals or coming up short?
Your brain, specifically your neural pathways, becomes used to the conditions of failure. You become addicted to failure.
When you start to see a bit of success your subconscious detects it as dangerous or a threat because it’s not your normal state.
This is what causes self-sabotage or imposter syndrome.
You can retrain your brain with affirmations, meditation, and consistent evidence that it’s okay for you to succeed until it becomes natural.
Self Hypnosis cuts that time in half because it speaks directly to your subconscious in a language it understands.
You’ll become a Master Manifestor.
In 33 days.
If you struggle with money manifestation take our free assessment to identify the type of block you may have here
Use the 22 Hypnotic Affirmations below to begin your shift:
My passion is fueled by self-compassion.
Every day is an opportunity to enjoy the wonder of my being.
I am worthy of celebration.
In response to pain, I answer with love.
I will do the best I can in every situation.
I love myself in every moment, no matter what happens.
Failure is evidence that I am learning.
I deserve love because I am love.
I allow myself space to heal because I am worthy of happiness.
I trust myself to do my best in every situation.
I do my best and that is good enough.
I will live my life with an open mind and an open heart.
I embrace the worst of me, just as I embrace the best of me.
I am on a journey and it is okay to make mistakes.
My ego does not define me. Love defines me.
I am a source of love, light, and self-compassion.
I accept myself just as I am.
I am an imperfect creature, beautiful, flawed, and amazing.
Every day, I work on accepting myself totally and unconditionally.
All my feelings are valid, they are mine and I own them.
I am not defined by mistakes, I am defined by my courage to learn from them.
I am so grateful to be me.
I am open to becoming.
For 80+ more hypnotic affirmations click here