
6 Myths About Burnout

6 Myths About Burnout

The fact that burnout is not a diagnosis, can leave some people skeptical of whether it really exists. In fact, Marissa Mayer, a former Google executive, went on record stating that she believed burnout does not exist. Instead, she believes that the signs and symptoms people experience relate more to resentment about not being able to do what they want.


Fortunately, most people do recognize burnout as real, and recognize it as a real threat to people's productivity and overall quality of life.


Here are some myths about burnout that you may hear from others:  


  1. Only weak people suffer burnout 

This is not true. Everyone in all walks of life suffers burnout. Many tend to be "go- getters" and "type A personalities" that have a lot on their plates.


  1. You just need a good night of sleep and you will feel better 

By the time burnout has set in, one night of good sleep is not enough. When you are experiencing burnout, your sleep is disrupted. You will wake up, even after eight hours of sleep, feeling unrefreshed.


  1. You just need more fresh air 

When you are not feeling well due to burnout, those who have not experienced it, think they know what you have to do to get better. They will offer all sorts of advice such as getting a good night of rest or fresh air. However, it is more complex than this. Healing from burnout takes more time. You have to heal your body on the inside (adrenal glands) before you begin to notice significant changes in how you feel.


  1. It is your fault that you are feeling burnt out 

Although part of it may be due to poor lifestyle choices, putting the blame on yourself

is not going to make the situation better. Instead, you need to learn what led to this predicament and what you can do now to get better. You will need to focus on things like improving your diet, sleep, and stress reduction techniques, to name a few.


  1. You need to exercise more 

While exercise is normally recommended for improving energy, if your burnout is significant, exercise that is too vigorous can actually be detrimental to recovery. Instead, it is better to do light exercise and activity until you are well on your road to health again.


  1. Burnout is only a psychological problem 

Although burnout includes psychological components, burnout also involves physical changes in your body. In particular, your hormonal symptoms get disrupted and contribute to the symptoms you are experiencing. That is why treatment of burnout should involve methods that address both psychological and physical well-being.


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