7 Signs That You’re SHIFTING Your Self Concept

Having a success mindset usually translates into being happy. But what is being happy? Do you know if you’re happy or not? For the most part, if you don’t know that you’re happy, then you may not be as happy as you think. For some people, it’s really a misunderstanding about what happiness is.
- Setbacks Don’t Stop You - Happy people don’t live in a fantasy land; they know bad things happen to good people. You know how to make plans when something sets you back to overcome it.
- You’re Unaffected by Other People’s Opinions of Your Life - You know that what someone thinks about you is really none of your concern or business.
- You Know You Can Create Your Own Happiness and Joy - A happy person accepts who has full control over their feelings - you do. The only person who can affect change on you is you. If you have a down day, you know how to pick yourself up.
- You’re Not Afraid to Ask for Help - A happy person isn’t someone who exists without other humans. They know that asking for help when they need it is imperative. It’s the key to living a good life.
- You Accept Yourself as You Are - You’re loving and accepting and not judgmental of yourself, but you know you can alter anything that you want to change that’s changeable in your life.
- You Have Strong Social Connections - Most people who report being happy also report having strong social connections with others and their community.
- You Create Balance Between Work and Fun - While true scale-like balance doesn’t really exist, a happy person seeks to balance their life in a way that enables them to live their best life in their own opinion.
Most happy people realize that the true measure of happiness is that you are content and satisfied most of the time. You can bounce back from the downs easily because you know that ultimately you are responsible for your own thoughts and feelings.