
How I Made My First $100,000 as a Hypnotherapist: Step-by-Step

become a hypnotherapist six figure business
How I Made My First $100,000 as a  Hypnotherapist: Step-by-Step

Starting my hypnotherapy practice was both exciting and challenging.

Through the $100K in 100 Days Framework, I discovered a series of steps that not only brought clients to my door but also created lasting relationships built on trust and transformation.

Here’s how I did it:


Step 1: Establish Your Unique Identity

The first step in building a successful practice is establishing a unique identity. I focused on what made my approach to hypnotherapy distinct and compelling.

  • Define Your Niche: Understand who you want to serve and what specific issues you can address effectively.
  • Create a Strong Brand: Develop a brand that reflects your values and speaks directly to your target audience.


Step 2: Identify Key Areas of Hypnotherapy Excellence

I looked at the areas of life where hypnotherapy excels and used those as the foundation of my practice. By focusing on these key areas, I was able to create targeted solutions that met the specific needs of my clients.

  • Specialized Services: Offer services that address common yet impactful issues like stress management, confidence building, and overcoming fears.
  • Client-Centric Approach: Ensure that your services are tailored to provide maximum benefit to your clients.


Step 3: Design Signature Sessions for Rapid Results

Designing my signature session was a game-changer. I focused on providing rapid and tangible results, such as helping clients get a promotion or master public speaking.

  • Signature Programs: Create programs that deliver quick and noticeable results.
  • Clear Outcomes: Ensure that clients know what to expect and can see the value of your services.


Step 4: Network and Introduce Yourself as a Hypnotherapist

I began introducing myself as a hypnotherapist to anyone and everyone. This simple step helped me get my first client and start building a network.

  • Personal Networking: Leverage personal connections to spread the word about your practice.
  • Confidence: Be confident in your introduction and explain the benefits of hypnotherapy.


Step 5: Offer Free Discovery Calls

Instead of offering free sessions, I provided free discovery calls. This allowed me to easily close new clients and showcase the value of my services. With 10 years of sales experience, this step was straightforward for me.

  • Discovery Calls: Use these calls to understand potential clients’ needs and demonstrate how you can help.
  • Conversion Strategy: Develop a strategy to convert discovery calls into paying clients.


Step 6: Implement Referral Incentives

I offered referral incentives to coaches and consultants who already had clients. This helped me expand my reach and attract more clients through trusted sources.

  • Referral Programs: Create attractive referral programs that benefit both you and the referrer.
  • Partnerships: Build partnerships with professionals who can refer clients to you.


Step 7: Utilize Social Media as a Traffic Source

I used social media as a traffic source rather than a fame source. By focusing on Instagram and Twitter, I directed potential clients to my services.

  • Platform Focus: Choose a few platforms where your target audience is most active.
  • Content Strategy: Post valuable content that drives traffic to your website or booking page.


Step 8: Prioritize Email Subscribers Over Followers

Instead of prioritizing social media followers, I focused on getting email subscribers. I created a lead magnet that could easily have been a paid product to attract subscribers.

  • Lead Magnets: Offer valuable resources that encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list.
  • Email Marketing: Use email marketing to nurture leads and convert them into clients.


Step 9: Host Free and Low-Cost Workshops

I hosted free and low-cost workshops to attract my ideal buyers. These workshops allowed potential clients to experience my services firsthand and see their value.

  • Workshops: Organize workshops that provide immediate value and showcase your expertise.
  • Engagement: Engage with participants and follow up to convert them into clients.


Step 10: Offer Goal Guarantees

To make booking me risk-free, I offered goal guarantees. This reassured potential clients and made them more likely to commit to my services.

  • Guarantees: Provide guarantees that promise specific outcomes, reducing the perceived risk for clients.
  • Trust Building: Build trust by standing behind your services with confidence.


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