How Imposter Syndrome Is Keeping You Broke In Business & How To Overcome It

Impostor syndrome is the faulty belief that one is a fraud and not deserving of their achievements. This is often despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. Research published in the Journal of Behavioral Science suggests that nearly 70% of the U.S. population has experienced impostor syndrome at some point in their lives.
Impostor syndrome can be debilitating to one's personal and professional life. It also affects one's mental and physical health and even relationships in a variety of ways.
Here are 5 common signs & negative effects of impostor syndrome in business:
1. Perfectionism:
Perfectionism as a function of impostor syndrome is when individuals struggle with the compulsion to be the very best by holding themselves to impossible perfection standards.
There is an expectation set for them to accomplish a given task they set out to do without any flaws or mistakes. If they cannot meet this standard, they consider this a failure which further feeds their need for perfection.
2. Overachiever:
Overworking is a common pattern of impostor syndrome. Typically, a person described as an overachiever tends to invest massive amounts of energy and effort into their work, long past the point where it would be deemed beyond acceptable by the average person. The individual often notices this pattern of behavior, but still, there is an inability to stop it.
3. Inability to Accept Praise:
Individuals who struggle with impostor syndrome find it difficult to internalize their success and thus deem any praise invalid. Opposite of false modesty, it's a genuine belief that they are not worthy or deserving of the credit being given.
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4. Paralyzing Fear of Failure:
Individuals dealing with impostor syndrome cannot handle the thought of failing, let alone actually failing. Any failure (real or perceived) perpetuates a toxic cycle that controls the person’s thoughts and actions. Those dealing with impostor syndrome often avoid a task rather than possibly failing at it.
5. Overemphasis on What Hasn’t Been Done:
Since the standards, people with impostor syndrome set are so high, it can be challenging for them to meet goals and milestones based on the expectations they set. This causes a tendency to focus more on what they haven't done than what they have accomplished. This is true even though what they have accomplished generally far outweighs what has yet to be done.
Hypnotherapy has been so effective in treating imposter syndrome with my clients. Here is the model that I use to release it.
I align all my client’s identities with their future self.
This is powerful because we’re able to bypass any past or present limitations to fully focus on their IDEAL future and reality.
This subliminal set will clear imposter syndrome which is one of the 55 blocks to your success as a six or seven-figure entrepreneur.
Read part 4 of the guide here >>