How To Prevent Goal Sabotage

The idea that you can do anything you set your mind to is a great mindset to have, but is it that realistic? Probably not, but the idea is excellent. After all, if you can recognize something unrealistic and pinpoint why it’s not realistic, you can probably find ways to mitigate it to make it more realistic. Thus, you can make the goal happen even though it’s unrealistic as is.
Do You Have the Resources? - If you don’t have the money to reach your goal, then that goal is unrealistic for you right now. You can now take stock by finding out if you can increase your resources in some way to change the outlook for the goal you want to set.
Does the Goal Match Your Mission? - One way that a goal can be wrong for you is if it doesn’t match your overall mission or point of being. Some goals go outside your value system and should not be made by you. This sometimes happens if you listen to others too much about what you should be doing. Instead, listen to yourself and figure out if your goals can be made more relevant to your mission.
Do You Have Enough Time? - When you set goals, it is important to be realistic about the time you set to achieve them. If you want to write a 100K word novel, you’re not going to do yourself any favors trying to get it done in one month. Instead, be realistic about the time you have available. You can turn an unrealistic goal like this into a realistic goal simply by giving yourself enough time.
Do You Have the Experience? - Some of the goals you set just are too above your ability today due to your lack of experience in the area. For example, if you’ve never planned a multi-expert webinar and never even been to a webinar, you may not be able to do this on your own without contracting with an experienced expert. But you can take the time to learn and move this goal down the line.
Do You Have the Skill? - Do you know how to use the software you need to use to meet your goal? For example, if you’ve decided to build your own website and you set a goal to get your own website build by hand in one month, is that enough time to learn, or do you need to consider outsourcing instead?
For every single goal that you want to set for yourself, ask yourself these questions, then take a step further by determining if you can step back and gain the resources, skills, and experience or whatever you’re missing to reach that objective someday anyway.