How To SHIFT Your Financial Fear: Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can go a long way to helping anyone feel happier and more successful in life. The most interesting thing about having a success mindset is that it is indeed a mindset. Studies have been done on numerous people throughout history that shows that even people you may not see as successful can feel successful if they have the right mindset.
- Write It Down - Keep a small notebook by your bedside, your desk, or in your glove box. Whenever you feel a wave of gratitude, write it down. This helps you to remember the experience and even relive it when the need arises.
- Record It - Almost everyone can record themselves today with smartphones and tablet computers. If you don’t want to write down your feelings, you can record them. Whenever you feel grateful, or need to feel it, make a short two minute or less recording documenting it.
- Focus on It - Allow your mind to focus on all the gratitude you feel but in a tremendous way. Embellish the feeling by describing it as fully as possible. How does your morning walk feel? How does your morning coffee smell? What do you feel when you watch your sleeping child?
- Say it Aloud - Even if you’re not writing it down or recording it, you can still state your gratitude out loud to the universe. The universe is smart. It gives you back what you put into it. Put a lot of thankfulness into it, and you’re going to get that back many times over.
- Feel It - Don’t just write down or record and state your gratitude. Take a moment to feel it. Focus carefully on how it feels to breathe in the fresh air, and take the moment in fully. Immerse yourself in the feelings as much as you can.
- Share It - When you are feeling gratitude, it’s a great time to tell others about it. When you share your feelings of thanks to the world either by calling someone and telling them that you’re thankful for them or by sharing even on Instagram your gratitude, you’ll feel it more fully.
Focus on what makes you happy and less on what makes you unhappy. It may seem silly, but it’s backed by science. Your thoughts control your feelings, and you control your thoughts. It’s that simple.