How To Truly Find Yourself & Your Purpose

To find yourself you must first know thy self. These tests are great ways to learn more about your purpose here.
Life Path Number
The Life Path number is calculated from your birth date. It's like the sun sign in astrology.
Myers Briggs
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
The Enneagram Personality Test
Being able to understand the basic motivations of different personality types can help you communicate with and relate to others. Everyone has innate fears and desires; we may seem different on the surface, but in reality, we are all seeking similar things: connection, understanding, support, and acceptance. When you know a bit about what makes people tick, it can help you relate to and empathize with them.
DISC Personality Test
Each person has their own set of values, beliefs, and perspectives. We may not always agree, but there are tools that can make stressful interactions easier. It comes down to understanding and employing empathy in your everyday behavior. Empathy is the ability to share and understand another person’s feelings. To employ empathy is to be able to view another perspective in an authentic way.
Human Design
Imagine being given a “user manual” for your life.
How would this user manual help you? The manual would guide you on how to navigate life perfectly aligned with who you are. Detailing your talents, skills, and the potential it would give you a map for actualizing these. It would help you understand how you are designed to engage with the world and show you where you are susceptible to your environment's influence and conditioning. The manual reveals how your inner guidance system operates and provides you with practical techniques for making decisions that can greatly enhance your experience of life.
This is what the Human Design System has to offer.
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