Monthly Money Stacking Manifestation Visualization

I do this every month to add luck to my daily aligned actions.
The Monthly Money Stacking Manifestation Visualization works because it combines visualization and physical manifestation to help you tap into your future self and the frequency of gratitude
Complete this by the 5th of each month.
Here’s the breakdown of the method:
Step 1: Select a bill of $20 or more.
If your currency is plastic write this on a piece of paper and wrap it around the bill.
Step 2: Set an intention calling in the amount of money you wish to have this month.
Write the amount of money around the bill and “Thank you so much for ___ this month.”
Step 3: Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon (and nutmeg if you have it) on the bill and drag the cinnamon towards you visualizing more bills flowing towards you.
Step 4: Next imagine your future self coming into the room with a stack of bills.
Imagine them placing the stack of bills in the palm of your hand one by one until you hit your monthly goal.
Thank them for each bill and at the end.
Feel a sense of accomplishment and completion.
Step 5: Wrap up the bill and place it under your favorite abundance stone and at the end of the month you can spend it to celebrate your month or “pass the buck” and give it to someone in need.
This works for me EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
I completed this at 8am and by 5pm I made $7000.
And last month I made double my intended goal.
BUT you also need to address any internal money blocks. I felt super anxious today and used the audios in Sleep & Grow Rich to release it before completing my Monthly Money Stacking Manifestation Visualization.
If you’re feeling anxious get the Sleep & Grow Rich Subliminal Set and release the financial anxiety & opportunity blocks that are keeping you from ATTRACTING more money into your life and business.
Are you stuck financially? Get the Self Wealth Self-hypnosis and Subliminal Set bundle to clear your financial motivation blocks to keep more money in your life & business This subliminal set is designed to clear your subconscious of limiting beliefs that are preventing you from growing & keeping the money that you attract.
Do you feel like you're unlucky with money? Get the Rich Reality Self-hypnosis and Subliminal Set bundle to clear your financial belief blocks to earn more money with ease. This subliminal set is designed to clear your subconscious of limiting beliefs that are preventing you from earning and attracting more money.
Are you constantly losing money or sabotaging your finances? Get the Financial Alchemist Self-hypnosis and Subliminal Set bundle and clear your financial habit blocks to keep more money in your life & business. This subliminal set is designed to clear your subconscious of limiting beliefs that are preventing you from overspending & keeping the money that you attract.
Do you feel unworthy of more? Does financial success feel like a fantasy? Get the Midas Touch Self-hypnosis and Subliminal Set bundle to shift your financial identity blocks & become a money magnet. This subliminal set is designed to clear your subconscious of limiting beliefs that are preventing you from feeling worthy of financial success & attracting more money.
Or get ALL 5 bundles for the price of one when you purchase the super bundle TODAY.
Click below to start your month off abundantly!
Take this Financial Assessment to discover what type of money block you have