
Part 2 of the Mid-Year Reset Guide: Discovering True Desires

goal setting six figure business
Part 2 of the Mid-Year Reset Guide: Discovering True Desires

As we move into the second half of the year, it's a pivotal time to reconnect with our core desires and refine our goals. The GYST Monthly Reset & Self-Hypnosis Bundle offers a structured approach to this introspection, allowing you to differentiate between what you truly need and what you simply want. This clarity isn't just about setting goals; it's about aligning your life and business with the motivations that resonate most deeply with your spirit.

Here's a detailed step-by-step breakdown for Part 2: Discovering True Desires, focusing on differentiating between wants and needs, determining your 'Big Why', and transforming challenges into actionable goals:


Part 2: Discovering True Desires


Step 1: Explore What You Really Want

  • Self-Assessment: Take time to reflect deeply on what you truly desire in both your personal life and business. This could involve meditation, journaling, or discussions with a mentor or coach.
  • Needs vs. Wants: Clearly define what you need to survive and thrive (needs) versus what would be nice to have (wants). Needs are essentials for your well-being and business growth, while wants are additional desires that could enhance but are not crucial for survival or success.


Step 2: Determine Your 'Big Why'

  • Purpose Exploration: Identify the core reasons behind why you want to achieve these goals. This 'Big Why' should be a powerful motivator that aligns with your personal values and mission.
  • Vision Board: Create a vision board that visualizes your 'Big Why', using images and words that represent your deepest aspirations and motivations.
  • Alignment Check: Ensure that your goals and actions are in alignment with this 'Big Why', which will serve as your compass during challenging times.


Step 3: Avoid Drifting

  • Purpose-Driven Actions: Develop a plan that ensures every action taken is purpose-driven and contributes directly to your main objectives. Avoid actions that feel like busy work or don't have a clear connection to your goals.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness into your routine to maintain a present-state awareness and avoid drifting through tasks without intention.


Step 4: Transform Challenges into Concrete Goals

  • Challenge Analysis: List down personal and professional challenges you've encountered.
  • Goal Transformation: For each challenge, determine a goal that transforms this challenge into an opportunity for growth. For example, if a challenge is 'time management', a corresponding goal might be 'develop and adhere to a strict daily schedule to enhance productivity'.
  • Actionable Steps: Break each goal into actionable steps that are realistic and measurable.


Step 5: Identify Needs vs. Wants

  • Critical Evaluation: Revisit each desire and categorize it under 'needs' or 'wants'. This step is crucial for prioritizing your efforts and resources.
  • Essential Focus: Focus your initial efforts on achieving your needs before addressing your wants. This prioritization ensures that essential elements for your well-being and business success are secured first.
  • Flexible Planning: Allow for flexibility in how you approach wants, adapting your strategies as more resources become available or as your business landscape changes.



By systematically working through these steps, you'll gain a clearer understanding of what drives your actions, prioritize effectively, and set a solid foundation for sustained motivation and success in your endeavors.


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