
Setting These Boundaries With Myself Broke The Cycle of Feast or Famine

financial healing financial trauma money blocks
Setting These Boundaries With Myself Broke The Cycle of Feast or Famine

As a highly sensitive high achiever running a business, the feast or famine cycle was a relentless challenge that tested both my emotional resilience and business acumen. Realizing the need for a strategic approach, I adopted seven unconventional self-boundaries that not only supported my sensitivity but also stabilized my business's financial health. I'd like to share these with you, alongside insights on how the Million Dollar Journaling Kit can help you implement similar strategies.


Seven Unconventional Self-Boundaries That Transformed My Business

  1. Defined Work Hours: I set strict start and end times for my workday to prevent burnout and ensure I have time for rest and recovery, which is crucial for maintaining long-term productivity.
  2. Financial Reflection Periods: I established regular intervals to reflect on financial decisions rather than making them impulsively. This helps in making more considered choices that align with both my business goals and personal energy levels.
  3. Client Screening Process: Implementing a thorough screening process for potential clients ensured that I only work with those who respect my boundaries and whose projects align with my values, reducing stress and enhancing job satisfaction.
  4. Automated Savings Plan: To smooth out the financial ups and downs, I automated a portion of income into a savings account, creating a financial buffer that eases anxiety during slower periods.
  5. Investment in Delegation: Recognizing that trying to do everything myself was unsustainable, I began investing in delegation, hiring help for tasks that were outside my zone of genius or that I found energetically draining.
  6. Emotional Detachment Practices: I practiced techniques to detach emotionally from the outcomes of business deals, focusing on effort rather than results to maintain my mental health.
  7. Selective Networking: I chose networking events and opportunities very selectively, focusing on quality over quantity to avoid overwhelm and ensure meaningful professional interactions.


Leveraging the Million Dollar Journaling Kit

The Million Dollar Journaling Kit provides tools that are perfectly suited to help you establish and maintain these boundaries. It includes:

  • Guided Journaling Prompts: Specifically designed to help you identify your unique triggers and develop personalized strategies to manage them.
  • Strategies for Financial Stability: Practical advice on creating financial buffers and managing business finances more effectively.
  • Self-Hypnosis Scripts: These are tailored to reinforce your new boundaries and help you internalize these practices for better stress management and emotional resilience.


Take Control of Your Business and Your Well-being

Implementing these boundaries has been a game-changer for me, providing the stability and peace of mind needed to grow my business sustainably. Are you ready to transform your professional life and break free from the feast or famine cycle? Click here to explore the Million Dollar Journaling Kit and start setting boundaries that lead to success.

Thank you for allowing me to share my journey and solutions. I'm excited to see how they can empower you as well.

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