
Use This Full Moon in Sagittarius to Amplify Your Sales with This Powerful Ritual

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Use This Full Moon in Sagittarius to Amplify Your Sales with This Powerful Ritual

Tonight, as the moon waxes full in the expansive sign of Sagittarius, it's the perfect moment to channel this celestial power to elevate your business. Sagittarius energy is all about aiming higher, exploring new territories, and big, bold ambitions. Here’s a transformative ritual to harness this lunar power to amplify your sales, envisioning broader horizons for your success.


Full Moon in Sagittarius Sales Amplification Ritual


Gather the following materials to tap into the energies of clarity, success, and abundance:

  • A journal and pen for intention setting
  • A white or gold candle to symbolize success and illuminate your path
  • Common sage or lavender for energetic cleansing
  • A small bowl of water to embody emotional clarity and intuition
  • A small bowl of salt or earth to represent grounding and materialization of your goals
  • Citrine or pyrite crystal to attract abundance
  • A piece of paper and a red or green pen for writing goals (colors symbolizing prosperity)
  • Essential oils like peppermint, orange, or frankincense (optional) for invigoration and clarity
  • Your favorite supersonic money subliminal to enhance the energetic imprint of your goals


Setting the Space:

  • Find a tranquil area to perform your ritual without disturbances.
  • Cleanse the space with sage or lavender to clear any stagnant energy.
  • Arrange your materials on a table or altar. Light the candle and place the bowls of water and salt/earth on each side.
  • Set the citrine or pyrite crystal near the candle. If using essential oils, apply them to your wrists or diffuse in the room. 

The Ritual:

  1. Grounding Meditation:
  • Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep breaths.
  • Visualize roots growing from your feet deep into the earth, anchoring you securely.
  • Picture a beam of moonlight bathing you in its glow, infusing you with Sagittarius’s adventurous and optimistic energy.
  1. Setting Intentions:
  • In your journal, write down your specific sales goals. Be ambitious—Sagittarius loves to aim high. For example, write, "I aim to attract 10 new high-value clients this month" or "I plan to boost my sales revenue by 30%."
  • Use the red or green pen to imbue these goals with prosperity's energy.
  1. Visualization:
  • Close your eyes and vividly imagine achieving these sales targets. Picture yourself sealing deals confidently, receiving enthusiastic responses from clients, and celebrating your victories.
  • Embrace the feelings of joy, accomplishment, and excitement—let them fill you up.
  1. Affirmations:
  • Write affirmations on a separate piece of paper, such as "I am a magnet for high-paying clients" and "My sales grow effortlessly every day."
  • Speak these affirmations aloud with conviction and passion.
  1. Water and Salt Ritual:
  • Hold the water bowl and affirm, "Water, cleanse and clarify my intentions, bringing flow and purity to my sales."
  • Add a pinch of salt while stating, "Salt, ground my ambitions and manifest my financial goals into reality."
  • Return the bowl to your altar.
  1. Lighting the Path:
  • Focus on the candle flame and declare, "This light guides my journey, attracting success and prosperity."
  • As the candle burns, visualize its light expanding, reaching out into the universe to multiply and return your intentions manifested.
  1. Crystal Charge:
  • Hold your citrine or pyrite, envisioning it soaking up your goals, supercharged with the energy of prosperity.
  • Place the crystal in your workspace or carry it to continually remind you of your amplified intentions.


Closing the Ritual:

Gratitude and Release:

  • Write down things you are grateful for, appreciating current blessings magnifies future abundance.
  • Safely extinguish the candle, express gratitude for its light.
  • Respectfully dispose of the water and salt outdoors, connecting your intentions to the natural world.


  • Take a few moments in quiet reflection to absorb the ritual’s energy, feeling prepared and energized to reach your goals.

Ongoing Practice:

  • Regularly chant your affirmations and meditate with your charged crystal.
  • Review and adapt your goals, maintaining alignment with the dynamic energy of Sagittarius.

By aligning with the Sagittarius full moon's powerful, optimistic energy through this ritual, you set the stage for expansive growth and success. Embrace this lunar power, and watch as your sales—and spirits—soar to new heights.

At Sales Youniversity, we don’t just teach sales; we infuse our curriculum with powerful manifesting techniques to align your business efforts with universal energies. This unique approach ensures that our students not only pursue their sales targets but also attract them with minimal resistance. 

Through our ongoing courses and community support, you’ll learn how to harness energies like those of the Full Moon regularly, integrating these practices into a holistic business strategy that feels as natural as it is effective.


Join us at Sales Youniversity and let's harness the power of the universe to achieve extraordinary sales success.

Embrace the power of Sagittarius’s Full Moon and propel your sales to new heights. Let’s make magic happen together.

Keep your intentions strong and your mind open, and watch as the universe aligns to deliver prosperity.


Join us to learn how.



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